DVD / CD ROM package comprising:

  • A bilingual movie-style dramatization that accurately depicts significant historical events related to Québec City;
  • Interactive lesson plans that complement the content of the drama production.

This quality teaching resource serves to foster and motivate the learning of the French language and inspire youth to continue using and experiencing both official languages. The package is also user-friendly, age-appropriate and time-enduring educational tool, which complements social studies curricula criteria.

All aspects of Cité Québec – The Birthplace of Bilingualism in Canada, have been designed to provide students with an enjoyable, unique and memorable educational experience. However, the content also addresses the need for young learners to grasp the concept of French culture and heritage, and acquire an appreciation of the richness that linguistic duality has brought to Canada. Additionally, it demonstrates that French is a usable modern day language that has endured the passage of time throughout Canadian history.

Click here to view the video online