About French Immersion

HomePostsAbout French Immersion

Life in Manitoba

2021-04-27T12:30:24-04:00April 27th, 2021|About French Immersion|

Provides information regarding Canada's Official Languages. This document assists immigrants and newcomers to Manitoba, in making fully informed decisions when they choose language-based educational programs for children.

French: An Opportunity of a Lifetime

2021-04-27T11:38:06-04:00April 27th, 2021|About French Immersion, For Youth, Secondary, Grade 7 to 12|

Developed to assist in addressing the need to retain Manitoban students in French courses and the Immersion program. Created in response to the increasing number of students who question why they should continue their students in French. Focuses on providing information to students and parents on post-secondary options, life-enrichment opportunities and career choices that incorporate the French language.

The Benefits of The French Immersion Program

2021-08-19T14:00:03-04:00March 7th, 2021|About French Immersion, About FSL Education, Fact Sheets / Brochures / Pamphlets, FSL Program Resources & Supports|

Give your child the advantages that come with being bilingual. Enroll your child in French Immersion. Why not offer your child the advantages of Canada’s world-renowned French Immersion programs? The advantages go beyond learning both of Canada’s official languages. Being bilingual ...

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